Why Choose SpikingNet?

SpikingNet name is derived from third generation neural network models. That is why our research is focused on novel algorithms and hardware which target reconfigurable and intelligent mechanisms. The company was founded in 2010 with focus to develop hardware and software products to assist our user’s life with really intelligent products. Our present management include over all combined experience of 50+ years in technology research and development & IT.




Wi-Fi Connected Smart Lights

COOOLED Smart Lights is your personal and professional wireless lighting system that lets you easily control your light and create the right ambiance for every moment.

Smart CitiesEasy control and comfort

Smart street lighting helps cities save energy, lower costs, reduce maintenance—all while better serving citizens and reducing energy use and CO2 emissions. Automation and networked control can further increase your energy savings and reduce maintenance

Smart HomeLight for your moments

Smart home lighting products start with intelligent connectivity that’s easy to use. Customers can rely on COOOLED’ proven lighting technology platform to develop multi-function smart lighting and security products that seamlessly connect to a variety of devices.

Smart LightingLimitless possibilities

Smart Lighting is clear to city planners and civil authorities that traditional lighting sources need to upgrade to smart LED lighting to meet the demands of modern populations. With IoT connectivity, smart lighting collects, monitors and sends real-time usage data.

Why Smart Lighting?

Home automation is a growing trend. These days people are connected to the Internet 24/7. Smart lighting technology allows them the option to control their lights from anywhere. It can centralize all the lights in their home into one system. Then you can control lights from tablet or smart phone.
COOOLED Wi-Fi Connected Smart Lights systems allow users to adjust the color or hue of their lights whenever they wish. Some allow users to set their lights on a schedule. It looks like they are home when they are not. Some systems turn on the lights as soon as you get home. They are triggered by the GPS in your smartphone.

Connectthe unconnected

MaximizeEdge Intelligence


Controlthe Edge

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News & Events

LED project flouting norms being probed

LED project flouting norms being probed


    SpikingNet name is derived from third generation neural network models. That is why our research is focused on novel algorithms and hardware which target reconfigurable and intelligent mechanisms.